Small Kitchen Layout

Cooking in a bright, cozy kitchen can make all the difference to your meal and your mood. This small kitchen layout is only 71 square feet, but it contains everything you need to cook a great meal. There are a number of base and overhead cabinets, painted a grey-blue color, as well as an L-shaped natural wood counter. The cooking range has five burners, an oven underneath and a wall-mounted chimney above it to get rid of excess smoke. There's a sink with a window above it and a radiator on the opposite side. There's also some shelving above the radiator as well as a piece of artwork on the wall next to it. Additionally, there are black-and-white, geometrically-printed tiles on the floor which add a touch of brightness to the layout. Overall, this is a practical but aesthetically pleasing kitchen.

Made by
Kitchen Designs
70 sq ft
6 m2
1 Level

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