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Creative Kitchen Cabinets for a Stylish Kitchen

The color, design, and layout of cabinets play an important role in any modern kitchen. When planning your kitchen cabinets you’ll need to strike the perfect balance between practical storage and beautiful aesthetics.

Creative kitchen cabinets white
Sam Applegate

The kitchen isn’t just a place to keep utensils, cutlery, and cookware. It also needs to be a comfortable and stylish environment to prepare delicious meals and entertain guests.

With that in mind, we’ve put together this list of creative ideas to transform standard kitchen cabinets into something more special and unique.

Experiment With Color

Color can be used in so many ways to bring your kitchen cabinets to life and improve the overall feel of your kitchen. You’ll need to decide what kind of color scheme suits your individual personality.

Pastels add subtle character

For a soft and neutral look, you can use pastel-colored cabinets. This example uses pistachio green to add freshness to the room:

Pastel green kitchen cabinets

Strong bold tones make a statement

Alternatively, you may prefer darker bolder colors. These glossy cabinets use cherry red for a sleek and modern look:

Kitchen design with bold red cabinets

Contrasting cabinet interiors

If you have glass-fronted or open cabinets, why not go for a different colored interior? You can match the interior color to a kitchen feature to bring the room together. It also gives you a chance to experiment with brave vibrant colors:

Kitchen cabinets with contrasting cabinets in black and white

Consistent color themes

If you have an open-plan living space that combines your kitchen, living room, and dining room, try to maintain a consistent cabinet color and design throughout. This example uses a deep blue color scheme with gold brass details that continues beyond the kitchen area:

Kitchen design with blue color theme

Alternative Cabinet Designs

To stand out from the crowd and create a seriously original kitchen, you’ll need to think outside the box. One way to do this is by swapping industry-standard cabinet designs with something more dramatic.

Open cubbies

If you don’t require huge amounts of storage space, consider installing several small open cubbies. They bring the convenience of standard shelving but include separate compartments, allowing you to organize items or showcase a collection:

Kitchen interior design with open cubbies

Triple-tier cabinets

For rooms with high ceilings, why not take advantage of that extra space by fitting triple-tier cabinets. You’ll need a step ladder nearby to access the very top, or else install a library ladder-like in this example:

Triple-tier kitchen cabinets

Mix and match designs

Use a checkerboard layout to mix both open and closed cabinets. Open cabinets provide easy access and let you showcase beautiful glassware. While closed cabinets allow you to store away less interesting kitchen utensils.

When mixing different wall cabinet styles, you should keep base cabinets simple to prevent the kitchen from becoming over-elaborate:

Creative kitchen cabinets white

Experiment With Materials

Traditional wooden and glass-fronted cabinets can lack fun and excitement. Try breaking from the norm by using alternative materials.

Metal grated cabinets

Why not replace standard glass doors with metal grates? This unique twist will add flair to your kitchen. Cleaning will also become easier as you say goodbye to those stubborn smudges and smears:

Kitchen design with grey metal grated cabinets

Stainless steel cabinets

Or for a premium industrial look, check out these stainless steel cabinets. Their reflective surface not only makes the kitchen appear bigger and brighter but it’s also much easier to wipe down and maintain:

Stainless steel kitchen cabinet design

Good Luck Creating Your Dream Kitchen

The kitchen is the beating heart of your home. Central to everything, it should be a warm and comfortable space for the whole family to enjoy.

These are just some ideas to help you get creative with your kitchen cabinets and design your perfect kitchen environment.  If you’re thirsty for more inspiration, check out our Kitchen Floor Plan Examples.

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