Meet Celine, Our Digital Content Specialist
Celine has been at RoomSketcher for three years. She develops beautiful and informative content for our readers. Curious to learn more about how we create the content you love? Read her interview to find out more.

How many people read our blog monthly?
We cater to more than 1 million readers across our websites, blog, and Floor Plan Gallery, and I like that I am responsible for creating content they can enjoy.
What is the process of choosing what to write about?
We pick topics that are relevant to our most dedicated users. Of course, we also choose topics where RoomSketcher can rank on the search engines so that more people can learn about our great software and services. We’re quite strict on staying within our focus areas which are all about creating floor plans and 3D interiors. And, of course, we love to provide tips and inspiration.
What is the purpose of the RoomSketcher blog?
We have a two-fold approach, where we both want to educate and inspire. So, of course, whenever there is an update to our software, we write about it so our users know what’s new. And then we also want to inspire creativity and show the range of cool things you can create with the app, like this article on inspiring staircase designs. None of this article’s examples are “off-the-rack” stairs from our library - instead, these are custom-made by one of our creative designers. She used RoomSketcher’s flexible "building blocks." Seeing all the items you can build with these is exciting.

Why should people read our blog?
The blog is a great way to keep apprised of the cool updates we make in the RoomSketcher App. It is also an excellent source of inspiration for your next home remodel or renovation, be it the bathroom, kitchen, or entire home. A lot of the time, people underestimate the importance of a good floor plan. The RoomSketcher blog covers how to create functional layouts that fit various lifestyles. We are, after all, experts on everything floor plan related 🙂
Which blog post are you most proud of? Why?
99 Bathroom Remodel Ideas. It's not every day that you get the opportunity to brainstorm 99 relevant and inspiring ideas for a bathroom remodel. It took a while to assemble the article, but we had some excellent brainstorming sessions and received great tips from RoomSketcher users. Ultimately, we compiled a fantastic article with gorgeous images and valuable tips. We even made some great videos to complement the blog post.

Which topic was the most challenging to write about?
We recently published an article on calculating Gross Living Area (GLA). This was a tough nut to crack, as I needed to familiarize myself with the topic. Together with my team, we made a lot of edits and improvements before we were happy with it. I was very excited to publish the post - and you can ask me anything GLA-related now 😀

How many people are usually involved in creating a blog article?
When you see an article posted on the RoomSketcher blog, 3-6 people have been directly involved in the production. I do the keyword research and create the specification for the topic we have decided to cover. Then I forward the specification to one of our writers. When writing a new article, I like to check that everything I requested is included before forwarding the piece to one of our editors. I then order images from one of our designers. Usually, this is done after the article is written to make sure the images match the text. Finally, either I or one of my team members upload and schedule the post once the text and images are complete.
You also manage the Floor Plan Gallery; many of the floor plans posted there are yours. Which floor plan are you particularly proud of/satisfied with?
One of my favorites is this Jack and Jill bathroom I created - it captures my personal style, and I can imagine myself getting ready there in the mornings.

Another favorite is a replica of the floor plan for the apartment my family and I lived in when I studied in Australia. It had a wonderful layout and the most amazing view! Seeing it in the Floor Plan Gallery makes me so happy.

How do you celebrate publishing a new blog post?
Every Friday, the team here at RoomSketcher holds what we call “Friday Celebrations.” Everyone gets to celebrate what they achieved the past week. For me, that is usually a new piece of content!
Ready To Be Inspired?
Check out all of the inspirational, educational, and beautiful content in our blog, or go to our Floor Plan Gallery and find ready-made projects you can edit in the app!
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