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Introducing High-Res 3D Photos & 360 Views

Introducing high-resolution 3D Photos and our all-new RoomSketcher 360. Create beautiful 360 Views – at the click of a button! Check out these fantastic ways to view and showcase your projects in 3D.

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Trine Bretteville

High-Resolution 3D Photos

Many of you have asked for higher resolution 3D Photos. Now you get them with a RoomSketcher subscription! Create stunning, print-quality 3D Photos that are 2000 x 1500 pixels. Perfect for large-scale presentations, printed materials, and more. Check it out:

RoomSketcher Pro High Resolution 3D Photo

Learn more about 3D Photos.

RoomSketcher 360

We’ve retired our Home360 feature and replaced it with our all-new RoomSketcher 360. With RoomSketcher 360, you can make beautiful 360 Views of your projects at the click of a button.

View them with our new HTML5 viewer – it’s awesome! Plus, our subscribers now get high-resolution 360 Views which are 2000 x 2000 pixels. They are bigger, better, and sharper. Check this out, it’s so cool (go to full screen for the full effect):

RoomSketcher 360 plays across all devices – Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, and is super-easy to share and embed. Add these awesome 360 Views to your website, listings, presentations, and more!

Learn more about RoomSketcher 360.

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