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Room Name Drop-Down List and More

An updated RoomSketcher App is available! Check out our favorite new features, and make sure to download the updated app now.

Choose Room Name
Celine Polden

Pick a Room Name

No more typing room names! Just click to add, and choose your room name from a list – easy, peasy. The app comes pre-programmed with a default list of room names, one for each language we support. If you are missing any room names, or you think the list is too long, simply reach out to our friendly Customer Service Team. They will be more than happy to get you set-up with your very own, custom list.

If you’re using RoomSketcher every day, you’ll be glad to know we even created a hotkey – in Walls mode, select a room and then click “R” for immediate access to the room name list.

Learn More - How to Add Room Names

If you want to learn more about how to add room names, check out: Add and Move Room Names

Big Bathroom Product Update

More than 400 new bathroom products have been added to RoomSketcher. You’ll find matching items like vanity units, tall cabinets, and base cabinets in the same style and series. 8 new collections are available to all our users, and a whopping 10 new collections are exclusively for our paid subscriptions. There are also lots of new accessories, shower sets, bathtubs, and more. All made with our popular Replace Materials feature.

Bathroom profucts RoomSketcher VIP

Learn More - New Bathroom Products

If you want to learn more about all our new bathroom products, check out: Big Bathroom Update

How Do I Get the Updated App?

On your tablet or computer, make sure you are on wifi – then just click to download.

Remember – download the RoomSketcher App to all the computers and tablets you use, your projects are stored in the cloud so you can access them from anywhere.

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