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RoomSketcher Partners with Mspecs

Mspecs customers in Sweden can now order floor plans from RoomSketcher directly from the Mspecs Mäklarsystem (Realtor System)

Mspecs RoomSketcher
Trine Bretteville

Mspecs is one of the main CRM-systems for real estate agencies in Sweden. Numerous Swedish real estate agents use the system every day to create and set up their property-for-sale listings.

With the new integration, RoomSketcher and Mspecs make it easier for Swedish real estate agents to use RoomSketcher’s high-quality floor plans in their property listings.

“As RoomSketcher is gaining traction in the Swedish market, we wanted to cater to our many Mspecs customers. So we reached out to their CEO, Marie Martinsson, to make it happen,” says Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at RoomSketcher, Trine Bretteville.

“RoomSketcher’s innovative floor plan platform is a great fit to Mspecs’ vision of providing the best and most agile solutions to our real estate customers. The partnership is a win-win for all parties involved and we have looked forward to offering RoomSketcher floor plans directly from Mspecs,” says Martinsson, Mspecs CEO.

roomsketcher nef Trine Bretteville
The Floor Plan Expert: Trine Bretteville, CMSO at RoomSketcher, is happy to offer Swedish real estate agents time-saving opportunities for their hectic workdays.

Unique Floor Plan Solution

The partnership integrates the RoomSketcher floor plan order system with the Mspecs realtor system. Swedish real estate agents using Mspecs can order RoomSketcher floor plans directly from their listing entry. The finished floor plans can easily be edited using the RoomSketcher App, and updated floor plans are automatically pushed back into the Mspecs system.

A Great Start in Sweden

Since RoomSketcher actively entered the Swedish market about a year ago, the Norwegian floor plan expert has attracted hundreds of new customers amongst Swedish real estate agents. “Our focus is consistent delivery of high-quality floor plans paired with friendly customer service. And of course, our customers love our unique editing software: the RoomSketcher App. The app lets you make simple edits to the finished floor plan, like changing room names and door opening angles, and still keep the brand profile of the floor plan,” says Bretteville.

The Best of Both Worlds

Do you have questions, or want to know more about RoomSketcher and Mspecs? RoomSketcher’s floor plan experts are here to help you. Click here to get in touch!

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